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SATs & 11+ Support

We are very aware of the potentially daunting nature of 11+. Part of the challenge is overcoming the stresses associated with the need to succeed. By offering small groups the chance to work together in a relaxed, yet stimulating environment, our experienced practitioners will deliver helpful, manageable learning to those preparing for these examinations, encouraging lateral and logical thinking skills which will help those attending develop a deeper understanding of what is required to succeed. 


And, with SATs looming, sessions in English will cover a range of relevant topics helping those attending gain a deeper understanding of questions regarding poetry response, retrieval and inference, as well as looking at tips and techniques for creative writing while ensuring that particular attention is given to spelling, punctuation and grammar. Equally importantly, those attending will spend valuable time focusing on the key Maths SATs skills around reasoning and arithmetic, including, BODMAS, fractions and decimal conversion to name but three. Delivered by our expert SATs tutors, these sessions will undoubtedly improve your child’s chance of success. 


"Children learn to listen, respect the views of others, negotiate and compromise."

- Ofsted Report, July 2019

What are SATs?

What is the 11+?


The 11+ is a test normally reserved for children looking to go to grammar schools (grammar schools are state-funded, selective schools (and often seen as a highly desirable as the idea is that you supposedly get a private school education for free. The test is made up of a number of components including verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning with some schools including papers on English and Maths. The idea is that it is a test of a child’s aptitude for school work across the board. The nature of the tests mean that it is not something you can properly revise for. However, practising the types of puzzles the tests pose is likely to lead to a greater chance of success. Those taking the grammar school 11+ tests will be grouped with those taking the Common Entrance 11+ tests

SAT stands for Standardised Assessment Testing (the “s” at the end just makes it plural!). These tests are national benchmarking tests for primary school children who are about to transition to secondary school. They are essentially based around English and Maths that they will have been taught as part of the National Curriculum (the framework which says what children at particular stages of their schooling should be learning). The results may have an impact on setting implications at secondary school.

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